
Monday 20 August 2012


    • The cause of this condition is Hexamita Protozoa , parasitic organisms that are highly contagious.
  • These parasites thrive with poor water quality management.
  • If your fish has this condition, you will notice the appearance of small pits and pimples mainly on the fish’s head. These pits will simply grow and form bigger pits.
  • The pits are white in color, and sometimes mucous are visible around them.
  • In addition to losing weight, becoming lethargic, and losing their appetites, the fish will produce white, stringy feces.

  • Add Dimetrydazole (5mg/l) or Metronidazole (7mg/l).
  • Repeat treatment once every 3 days.
  • Do a 20%-30% water change.
  • It is sometimes necessary to inject Metronidazole, but injections near the affected area should be attempt only by qualified personnel.

  • Change your water regularly.
  • Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.
  • Avoid cross-tank contamination.

Advance White Spot Treatment

White Spot parasites under the skin of the Flowerhorn Ciclids, it is not affected by water treatment or direct treatment applied to the fish . Break the breeding cycle of Ich by washing the tank thoroughly to remove the cysts of the parasite.
  • Maintain 28 Deg Heat.
  • Market Salt at 3g/l of water every 3 days together with the medication.
  • After 3rd day, 100% Water Change and wash your tank with soap.
  • Do 30% Water Change 3  Times a week.

Red Texas Ciclids

RED TEXAS CICLIDS [Herichthys cyanoguttatus/Cichlasoma cycnoguttatum] lives in a freshwater fish belongs in cichlid family. This fish have a Nice Redness and Pearliest aspects can be crossbreed to Flowerhorn, Cevirums, Parrots and Etc... Red Texas grow up to 30cm and live up to 6-8 years depents to genetics, food, and care. Red Texas cichlid is found in the Aquariums and is relatively popular with cichlid enthusiasts. Its temperament differs from one individual to another, but in general can be kept with other large aquarium fishes such as tinfoil barbs, silver dollars, oscars, and other Central and South American cichlids. Texas cichlids prefer larger tanks with 55 gallons of water or more. They are substrate diggers and will uproot plants.

Texas cichlid readily takes flake foods, and live and frozen food. This species is a prolific breeder and breeding in aquarium is relatively easy. Adult fish pair up and become territorial. Up to 1,000-5,000 adhesive eggs are laid on a clean, flat surface and both parents guard them aggressively. Eggs hatch in 2-5 days and the fry grow rapidly. Texas cichlid is known to hybridize with other related species. The flowerhorn cichlid, a hybrid cichlid extremely popular in Asia, may have been a result of the crossbreeding of Texas cichlid and several other species.

Most Advisable and Effective Xexamita Disease of Flower Horn Treatment

Xexamita is a virus who can kill your beautiful and lovely flower horn,This are the Most Advisable and Effective Xexamita Flower Horn Treatment...I you are willing to diagnose your Favorited Pet use this best Manual...Steps how to treat