
Sunday 9 September 2012

Effective Tips for Improving Flowerhorn Kok

Effective Tips for Improving Flowerhorn Kok

How to make flowerhorn kok bigger?
Effective helps on how to improve flowerhorn fish head growth. You will also find out the effects of different types of food in the development of a head humps. Head Growth of Flowerhorn Fish really depends from the origin of the fish there's a lot of origins Silk to Kamfa and Kamfa to ZZ crossbreeding process... in Kamfa and Silk you expected that 12% out of 100 are Kokster while in ZZ 80% are Kokster.

 Is there a Secret Feeding Formula?
Proper Care is the Secret Formula that makes your Flowerhorn fish beautiful...

I breed and raise my own fry and I realize the truth. I found out that some juveniles just naturally grow bigger kok and the other are late. I believe that 20% from my Breed are show quality while the other are Class A to AA. All were fed with the same inexpensive flowerhorn pellets OX Brand, yet some just naturally developed much larger head humps than others.

The truth is that there is really no secret feeding formula that make koks bigger. The answer lies on the genes. Some have it. Some don't. More on flowerhorn head growth genes.

The good news is that there are a lot of commercial pellets like XO Humpy Head, ALife, Hikari, and New Life Spectrum that are reasonably-priced but still contain balanced amounts of nutrients essential in the development of nuchal humps.

In choosing the best fish food brand, consider the 
Choose pellets that contains not less than 35% protein for growing fishes.
It should be formulated not to cloud tank water easily,
It should be readily available for purchase when you need to. These fishes take some time adjusting to new food and may not feed for days if you introduce new pellets abruptly.
Its size should be appropriate for the size of your fish.
Worms, Shrimps, Frozen Blood Worms and Other Live Food
Considering the special formulations of commercial flowerhorn pellets, there is really no need for feeding your fish with live food. They are especially tedious as feed and they easily deteriorate.

The biggest advantage of live food would be that they somehow rejuvenate the appetite of these fishes.
However, the risk of disease development and parasite infection easily outweigh this advantage. Cichlids are voracious eaters by nature, and they really don't need much pushing to eat when they are healthy. Find out more on how to improve flowerhorn head growth by boosting overall health.

If they are not eating well, chances are, they are sick, scared, or stressed. If your fish is sick, medical treatment is the immediate and effective solution, not live feeding. Find our more on how to deal with scared flowerhorns here.
Of all the live food (and unprocessed) out there, I prefer frozen bloodworms as they are widely available, inexpensive, and can be stored easily.

I find live worms bothersome to keep around. These also attract ants and other insects inside the house.