
Thursday 23 August 2012

Exact Origin of Flowerhorn Fish


Exact year that the flowerhorn fish existence is 1990's, there were fish breeders in Malaysia who were successful in creating a  flowerhorn fish. The species of the fishes that were used in the crossbreeding are still unknown to all except the people who created the fish. The flowerhorn fish is now known as the flowerhorn fish.

flowerhorn fish are easily distinguished from other cichlids. They have a prominent hump on their head. There are markings on the side of the fish. The different breeds of the  flowerhorn fish  are usually red or a shade of red. However, the hump and markings on the fish are always present.

Flowerhorn fish became a commodity overnight. This was because the fish as associated by many to be bringers of luck. This notion was brought about by the appearance of the awkwardly looking fish. The hump on the head of the fish resembles the high-forehead of the Chinese God of Longevity. The black marking on the fish are like scripts of characters or numbers.

The attention the fish is getting was even more increased when people start claiming that they are lucky since they started caring for the fish. The businesses of people started booming when they placed the fish in their shops. There was also an instance where a lucky lady won the lottery using the numbers that she saw on her fish.

The seemingly lucky  flowerhorn fish did not go with all positive hype. Not everyone approved of the flowerhorn. Since the  flowerhorn fish  was created through extensive crossbreeding of various cichlids, there are those who label the fish as man made. The fish was tagged as an abomination of nature.

The flowerhorn fish, unlike other products of hybridization, are fertile and can reproduce. What could have been considered as a miracle is also a reason why there are people who frown at the creation of the  flowerhorn fish . Environmentalists fear that the introduction of the  flowerhorn fish  in the wild will surely result to trouble. The people opposing the fish based their hypotheses on similar events where in foreign species were introduced to a stable community. An instance in the past was the introduction of the golden apple snails in the Philippines that was supposed to help alleviate the problems with food shortage but in turn became pests since they do not have natural predators. though riddled by bad publicity, the hybrid is still a favorite of  flowerhorn fish  enthusiasts. Their association with luck is not the only reason why they have been selling in the market. Their awkward appearance is enough to stimulate the curiosity of people.

History and Flowerhorn Strains Studies


The Flowerhorn fish is a completely unnatural fish, a hybrid of hybrids. This makes it a very amazing fish, because with the imbalance in the amount of chromosomes or genetic material in the sex cells of different species, it is able to reproduce. It was produced after meticulous selective breeding by fish breeders in Malaysia.

The common belief is that the Flowerhorn fish is a hybrid of hybrids, produced after meticulous selective breeding by fish breeders in Malaysia. A hybrid of two cichlids, Amphilophus Trimaculatum and Amphilophus Citrinellus, was cross-bred with the "Giant Blood Parrot", a hybrid of its own, to produce the Flowerhorn Fish.

Some claim however that The Flowerhorn was actually a cichlid by itself that once lived in the wild, and was only artificially cross-bred with other species to improve its quality. There is some controversy over the origins of this fish.

However, we do know that the current breeds sold in aquarium shops are no longer totally natural, and it has thus been denied of a proper scientific name.

History and Flowerhorn Strains Studies just want to share to everyonenakuha ko sa FLOWERHORN CRAZE AT WIKIPEDIAThe origin of flowerhornIn 1993 -Malaysians admired fishes with protruding head, known as Karoi, in the western part of Malaysia, also known as warship. In Taiwan, this fish has a slight protruding forehead and long tail, and is widely accepted in the Chinese society which brings luck in geomancy.In 1994 - The import of Red Devil also known as human face and Blood Parrot from Taiwan to Malaysia mark the birth of flowerhorn.In 1995 - With the introduction of 1994 birth of flowerhorn this has lead to the blood parrot being crossbreed with the Human Face Red God of Fortune which produced a new species called five-colors god of fortune. With its beautiful colors, it has brought an overwhelming response.In 1998 - It has further improved with the import of seven-colors blue fiery mouth, from South America, known as Greenish Gold Tiger and Jin Gang Blood Parrot from Taiwan. This crossbreeding was a success, leading to the first generation of flowerhorns named Hua Luo Han which is then followed by subsequent flowerhorn developments.In 1998 It has further improved with the import of seven-colours blue fiery mouth, from South America, known as Greenish Gold Tiger and Jin Gang Parrot from Taiwan. History and Flowerhorn this crossbreeding was a success, leading to the first generation of flowerhorns, named Hua Luo Han which is then followed by subsequent flowerhorn developments. The flowerhorn arena still continues till today.Arrival In the US.When flowerhorn first arrived there were really only 2 breeds of these fish for distribution, flowerhorn and jks. Flowerhorn came in 2 varieties those with pearls and those with out. Jks also had two varieties, those that faded and those that didn't. With the flowerhorns, the ones w/o pearls were quickly over taken by those with pearls, so then it became pearl scale flowerhorn (zhen zhou). With the jks the unfaded ones developed nice golden skin over the flowerhorns grey skin.So at 1999 there were 4 strains of flowerhorn hitting the American market, regular flowerhorn, pearl scale flowerhorn, golden flowerhorn, and jks. there were so many breeders that these 4 strains had so many different names and minor variations, that names became a joke. No importer wanted to hear a name but rather look at the fish. Knowing this the breeders and exporters started line breeding going for better quality traits and so fourth. The pearl scale flowerhorn beat out regular flowerhorn and became ZZsAbout now its 2000-2001 and kamfa hit the scene. These were hybrids of any type of flowerhorn crossed with any vieja or parrot. These guys brought on some new traits people became interested with. Short mouths, tail wrap, sucked in eyes, and of course bigger koks. seeing this those guys who had the GMs began to line breed there fish to have similar traits. Those who had the ZZs wanted to completely dominate the market and began line breeding there fish to develop faster and become more colorful. This meant that they could have a fish that could compete with the kamfa strains.Flowerhorn Strains Studies