
Friday 3 August 2012



These are just easy ways and will surely benefit you in your hobby. These techniques will teach you the basics that are needed in breeding flowerhorn fish. 
This kind of hobby is a very fun and exciting activity.

Flowerhorn fish can be considered as an easy task to everyone but, there are preparations that you should do in order to be satisfied with the outcome of your project. You just need to be careful to get the crossbreed you want. The most important thing to do is choosing the breeding flowerhorn fish parents. This is vital because it will be the foundation of the result. 

Your desired offspring result depends exclusively on these. Almost all the time we can’t figure out what will be the physical characteristics of the fries that will be produced by a single pair of breeders. We are always on a prediction of what will be the outcome, and of course, this makes our breeding flowerhorn fish more exciting and challenging.

You can breed flowerhorn fish almost all year round. There is no basic motivation needed for mating function. It is best to keep the fishes in an empty, much bigger aquarium. Put decorations so that the female have a hiding place. The male can become aggressive to their partners. Another thing is to have an aquarium heater secured to the tank which regulates 29 degree Celsius. This is to allow the breeding flowerhorn fish a good temperature to begin with. A mechanical filter is needed as well to remove any waste from the tank. This will make the aquarium clean and free from dirt.

Flowerfish breeders must be provided exact food before the mating but not until they are prepared to spawn. They do not consume much food during mating period so it is better to feed them beforehand. A guide for balanced diet will allow the breeding flowerhorn fish parents to produce well characterized eggs and milt (fish semen). Live and pellet feeds can be introduce as well as various fish food. Be sure to prepare a new empty bottom aquarium to store the fries on the time that they are ready to depart their parent’s nest.

The breeding flowerhorn fish procedure is so easy to remember. Do not put in any filter mechanisms to the aquarium of the small fries for it will suck the offspring. An air stone is guaranteed to do the trick.

The fries should be kept in moderate temperature to prevent them from dying. Water quality should be tested to ensure quality eggs. Also you should cover the sides of the aquarium to give the breeding flowerhorn fish parents some privacy. They are easily troubled to motions or movement. This will affect their mating and will make them anxious.

When the parents are ready, the female will discharge a chemical compound called pheromones. It will influence the behavior of the male and will guide him to begin spawning. At first, the pair will show violent behavior to each other for this is caused by their animal instinct.

While the male finds a suitable spot to lay the eggs, the female continues to display aggression. After sometime, they will mate and the process of spawning will take place. Breeding flowerhorn fish has lot of techniques. I suggest that you make experiments to get the kind of breed you want.

Flowerhorn Diseases

Flowerhorn Diseases And 

How To Cure Them

Common Flowerhorn Diseases and Treatment

Caring for your Flower Horn is not just about feeding it, it’s also about watching for potentially serious health conditions. Below are some of the problems your Flower horn might experience.


Cause and Symptoms

The cause of this condition is Ichthyophithirius multifilis (ICH ) , a ciliated protozoan .

Bad water quality can increase the likelihood that your fish will be victim to this parasite.

Low water temperatures (< 25°C) are ideal breeding grounds for ICH.

The most common way Flower horns get ICH is when they are fed live or frozen food that has already been contaminated with the parasite.

The most prominent symptom of this condition are the pure white spots that will appear all over your fish. You may also notice the fins are clumped together, and they act a bit more lethargic than usual. Moreover, it’s common for them to lose interest in food when ICH infects.


The parasites resides under the skin of the fish, hence it is not affected by water treatment or direct treatment applied to the fish . Break the breeding cycle of Ich by washing the tank thoroughly to remove the cysts of the parasite. Keep in mind that this is a highly contagious condition, so your entire aquarium must be treated.

To cure white spots:

Place Kordon Ich inhibitor in your tank.

Add aquarium salt at 3g/l of water every 3 days together with the medication.

After 3rd day, tank must be washed thoroughly to eliminate the causative agent.

Add Kordon Malachite Green treatment to your tank.

Preventive measures:

Add Kordon Prevent Ich Fish Disease Inhibitor and Preventative to your tank.

Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.

Avoid cross-tank contamination.


Cause and Symptoms

The cause of this condition is Hexamita Protozoa , parasitic organisms that are highly contagious.

These parasites thrive with poor water quality management.

If your fish has this condition, you will notice the appearance of small pits and pimples mainly on the fish’s head. These pits will simply grow and form bigger pits.

The pits are white in color, and sometimes mucous are visible around them.

In addition to losing weight, becoming lethargic, and losing their appetites, the fish will produce white, stringy feces.


Add Dimetrydazole (5mg/l) or Metronidazole (7mg/l).

Repeat treatment once every 3 days.

Do a 20%-30% water change.

It is sometimes necessary to inject Metronidazole, but injections near the affected area should be attempt only by qualified personnel.

Preventive measures :

Change your water regularly.

Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.

Avoid cross-tank contamination.


Causes & Symptoms

This condition is caused by Saproglenia and other related bacteria.

Bad water quality only causes these kinds of bacteria to thrive.

Sudden changes in the water condition can also cause this condition in your fish.

If your fish has this condition, you will notice cotton like tufts at the mouth, body, fin and tail.

You may also notice your fish losing weight.


Add Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Aquarium Salt to your tank.

Adding Jungle Labs Fungus Eliminator will also help.

Be sure to treat the whole tank, but quarantine the most seriously ill fish.

Preventive measures :

Change your water regularly.

Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.

Avoid cross-tank contamination.


Causes & Symptoms

This condition is caused by a bacterial infection.

Poor water quality, overcrowding, and stress can make your fish more susceptible to this condition.

If your fish is affected, he may appear bloated and stop eating


· Do not add aquarium salt to your tank.

· Use a commercially prepared treatment available at your local pet shop.

Preventive measures :

Change your water regularly.

Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks to avoid the introduction of new, dangerous bacteria.

Avoid cross-tank contamination.


Causes & Symptoms

This condition is caused by Pseudomonas and other related bacteria.

Poor water quality causes these bacteria to thrive in your tank.

If your fish is affected, the fin and tail appeared eaten away and white edged. You may even notice the fin or tail beginning to literally dissolve.

The color of the fish may dull, and the fins may clump together.

This bacteria is highly contagious.


Treat the whole tank, but quarantine and treat the heavily infected fish.

Tetracycline should be added.

Preventive measures :

Change your water regularly.

Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.

Avoid cross-tank contamination.


Causes & Symptoms

This condition is caused by a number of things, but the most likely problems are a virus or a bacterial infection.

If your fish has this condition, you may notice they have trouble swimming correctly, or they tend to swim upside down.


Because it can be hard to determine the cause of this problem, it can also be difficult to treat it, but in general, an antibiotic agent should take care of the problem.

Preventive measures :

Change your water regularly.

Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.

Avoid cross-tank contamination.


Causes & Symptoms

This condition is caused by a fungus living in your tank.

Poor water quality causes this fungus to thrive in your tank.

If your fish is affected, he may stop swimming, and he may begin to look ill.


· Add Copper Sulfate (Blue Crystal) to your tank. Be sure to use the ratio of 1 g Copper Sulfate and 0.25g Citric Acid to 1 litre of distilled water. Dosage instructions: 12.5 ml to 10 litres of aquarium water for 10 days. Administer half of this on days three, five and seven.

Preventive measures :

Change your water regularly.

Quarantine new fish for three to four weeks.

Avoid cross-tank contamination.


Learn How to Have Healthy,

Brightly Colored Cichlids, 

That Will Breed & 

Get Along With Tank Mates 



A guide to FLOWERHORN STRAINS and types

Origin of FLOWERHORN in 1993 -Malaysians admired fishes with protruding head, known as Karoi, in the western part of Malaysia, also known as warship. In Taiwan, this fish has a slight protruding forehead and long tail, and is widely accepted in the Chinese society which brings luck in geomancy.In 1994 - The import of Red Devil also known as human face and Blood Parrot from Taiwan to Malaysia mark the birth of flowerhorn.In 1995 - With the introduction of 1994 birth of flowerhorn this has lead to the blood parrot being crossbreed with the Human Face Red God of Fortune which produced a new species called five-colors god of fortune. With its beautiful colors, it has brought an overwhelming response.In 1998 - It has further improved with the import of seven-colors blue fiery mouth, from South America, known as Greenish Gold Tiger and Jin Gang Blood Parrot from Taiwan. This crossbreeding was a success, leading to the first generation of flowerhorns named Hua Luo Han which is then followed by subsequent flowerhorn developments.In 1998 It has further improved with the import of seven-colours blue fiery mouth, from South America, known as Greenish Gold Tiger and Jin Gang Parrot from Taiwan. This crossbreeding was a success, leading to the first generation of flowerhorns, named Hua Luo Han which is then followed by subsequent flowerhorn developments. The flowerhorn arena still continues till today.Arrival In the US.When flowerhorn first arrived there were really only 2 breeds of these fish for distribution, flowerhorn and jks. Flowerhorn came in 2 varieties those with pearls and those with out. Jks also had two varieties, those that faded and those that didn't. With the flowerhorns, the ones w/o pearls were quickly over taken by those with pearls, so then it became pearl scale flowerhorn (zhen zhou). With the jks the unfaded ones developed nice golden skin over the flowerhorns grey skin.So at 1999 there were 4 strains of flowerhorn hitting the American market, regular flowerhorn, pearl scale flowerhorn, golden flowerhorn, and jks. there were so many breeders that these 4 strains had so many different names and minor variations, that names became a joke. No importer wanted to hear a name but rather look at the fish. Knowing this the breeders and exporters started line breeding going for better quality traits and so fourth. The pearl scale flowerhorn beat out regular flowerhorn and became ZZsAbout now its 2000-2001 and kamfa hit the scene. These were hybrids of any type of flowerhorn crossed with any vieja or parrot. These guys brought on some new traits people became interested with. Short mouths, tail wrap, sucked in eyes, and of course bigger koks. seeing this those guys who had the GMs began to line breed there fish to have similar traits. Those who had the ZZs wanted to completely dominate the market and began line breeding there fish to develop faster and become more colorful. This meant that they could have a fish that could compete with the kamfa strains.Louhan - Original flowerhorn created from crossing 4 pure cichlidsChart:

Origin of Flowerhorn Ciclids


With the omnipotent human brain and advanced technology in cross-breeding, the creation of a new species of fish called the wondrous flowerhorn, is no more than just a dream, but a dream that came true.

This colorful and gorgeous aquarium heartthrob has taken apparently South- East Asia fish-hobbyists by storm in recent years. Creating waves and exhibiting itself with colors like a rainbow, like an artist trying to express his talents on his masterpiece by splashing all available colors from his palette, this ethnic cichlid species indeed a salvation to the fish-appreciation trade. A Malaysian self-innovation was actually originated from the American Cichlid family in Central South America. From an unknown species to a quality, high graded and distinct beauty, the evolution had surpassed the generations- reformation of cross-breeding, this fantastic new-bred, is the result of extensive research and untiring effort lavished on the species mutation-experimentation.

The Rajah Cichlasoma is constantly undergoing changes weeding out the old and making way for the new, classifying under categories from the highest to the lowest to meet the ultimate aim of fish hobbyists– a beautiful body with matching colors, distinguished stripes and gorgeous shine. The creation of flowerhorn is a success of mankind a species nobody had even dream of, can even robust the fish industry and increase the number of fish-hobbyist by a milestone.

The birth of flowerhorn

In 1993 -Malaysians admired fishes with protruding head, known as ‘Karoi’, in the western part of Malaysia, also known as ‘warship’. In Taiwan, this fish has a slight protruding forehead and long tail, and is widely accepted in the Chinese society which brings luck in geomancy.

In 1994 - The import of ‘Red Devil’ also known as ‘human face’ and ‘Blood Parrot’ from Taiwan to Malaysia mark the birth of flowerhorn.

In 1995 – With the introduction of 1994 birth of flowerhorn this has lead to the ‘blood parrot’ being crossbreed with the ‘Human Face Red God of Fortune’ which produced a new species called ‘five-colors god of fortune’. With its beautiful colors, it has brought an overwhelming response.

In 1998 – It has further improved with the import of ‘seven-colours blue fiery mouth’, from South America, known as ‘Greenish Gold Tiger’ and ‘Jin Gang Parrot’ from Taiwan. This crossbreeding was a success, leading to the first generation of flowerhorns, named Hua Luo Han which is then followed by subsequent flowerhorn developments. The flowerhorn arena still continues till today.