
Friday 3 August 2012

Origin of Flowerhorn Ciclids


With the omnipotent human brain and advanced technology in cross-breeding, the creation of a new species of fish called the wondrous flowerhorn, is no more than just a dream, but a dream that came true.

This colorful and gorgeous aquarium heartthrob has taken apparently South- East Asia fish-hobbyists by storm in recent years. Creating waves and exhibiting itself with colors like a rainbow, like an artist trying to express his talents on his masterpiece by splashing all available colors from his palette, this ethnic cichlid species indeed a salvation to the fish-appreciation trade. A Malaysian self-innovation was actually originated from the American Cichlid family in Central South America. From an unknown species to a quality, high graded and distinct beauty, the evolution had surpassed the generations- reformation of cross-breeding, this fantastic new-bred, is the result of extensive research and untiring effort lavished on the species mutation-experimentation.

The Rajah Cichlasoma is constantly undergoing changes weeding out the old and making way for the new, classifying under categories from the highest to the lowest to meet the ultimate aim of fish hobbyists– a beautiful body with matching colors, distinguished stripes and gorgeous shine. The creation of flowerhorn is a success of mankind a species nobody had even dream of, can even robust the fish industry and increase the number of fish-hobbyist by a milestone.

The birth of flowerhorn

In 1993 -Malaysians admired fishes with protruding head, known as ‘Karoi’, in the western part of Malaysia, also known as ‘warship’. In Taiwan, this fish has a slight protruding forehead and long tail, and is widely accepted in the Chinese society which brings luck in geomancy.

In 1994 - The import of ‘Red Devil’ also known as ‘human face’ and ‘Blood Parrot’ from Taiwan to Malaysia mark the birth of flowerhorn.

In 1995 – With the introduction of 1994 birth of flowerhorn this has lead to the ‘blood parrot’ being crossbreed with the ‘Human Face Red God of Fortune’ which produced a new species called ‘five-colors god of fortune’. With its beautiful colors, it has brought an overwhelming response.

In 1998 – It has further improved with the import of ‘seven-colours blue fiery mouth’, from South America, known as ‘Greenish Gold Tiger’ and ‘Jin Gang Parrot’ from Taiwan. This crossbreeding was a success, leading to the first generation of flowerhorns, named Hua Luo Han which is then followed by subsequent flowerhorn developments. The flowerhorn arena still continues till today.


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